Call Us Today (608) 234-1135

Starting a B.A.S.S. Nation club has never been easier and is an extremely rewarding experience.
In just a few easy steps, you and your club will become part of the largest bass fishing organization in the world.

Round up 6 of your friends: A new B.A.S.S. Nation club can be started with as few as 6 B.A.S.S. Members.
Cost per member is $30 (Canadian dues are $32). This ONLY includes your B.A.S.S. Nation membership. YOU MUST BUY A B.A.S.S. MEMBERSHIP SEPARATELY.
Complete the club affiliation form at the bottom of this page and start fishing!
If you need an example of a constitution click here.

As a Nation Club, you can take your fishing to the next level, educate young anglers, and help support and protect bass fishing interests on both a state and national level through your Club's conservation and educational programs.

If you have questions regarding state events, you can contact your state’s President for more information.

 B.A.S.S. will notify your club officers once your roster has been processed.

If there is anything we can do to assist you in setting up your club, just give us a call at 205-313-0900 or email Matt Tabarrok at or Jon Stewart at Type your paragraph here.

Information & Forms